A 2016 report found that the United States produces more plastic waste than any other country, highlighting a significant environmental challenge. Apartments in Houston Texas can serve as ideal starting points for embracing a more sustainable lifestyle. While it's easy to assign blame, this eye-opening statistic may inspire individuals to adopt eco-friendly habits.
Although avoiding plastic entirely can be challenging, taking steps to minimize its use can significantly ease the environmental impact. Opting for plastic-free alternatives whenever feasible can make a substantial difference in reducing waste.
Ready to embark on your journey towards a zero-waste lifestyle? Here are five essential items to begin with.
Reusable Food Storage
In any apartment home, having leftover food is inevitable. When this happens, you need to transfer them to a container for storage. But instead of stocking up on Ziploc bags, invest in reusable food containers instead.
Glass containers and jars are good to use if you're simply stocking food in the fridge. If you're storing food for the long term and need to freeze them, you'll need to buy silicone bags as well. Reusable food storage may be more expensive than Ziploc bags, but they'll last you a long time, so you don't have to keep buying them.
Reusable Shopping Bags
When buying groceries, you'll find yourself hoarding plastic bags in no time. The more you buy, the more plastic will end up in your care. While there are creative uses to these bags, they're hard to recycle, so they'll eventually end up in landfills.
This is why you should start using reusable shopping bags. You can buy one or two, and they'll last you for years! They're also more durable than plastic bags. You can carry more groceries at a time and your reusable bag won't give in from their weight.
Reusable Dish Cloths
In an apartment home, messes are unavoidable. When this happens, it's so easy to reach for a paper towel. But after one use, these paper towels go in the trash. It seems a bit wasteful, doesn't it?
To cut down on paper towel use, you can buy reusable dishcloths. They absorb more than a paper towel and can be used many times.
Reusable Straws
While plastic straws are usually served with your drink orders, you can opt-out of them by letting your server or barista know. As an alternative, you can bring your own reusable straw instead.
If you choose to make the switch, you can buy either bamboo or metal. Bamboo is all-natural and biodegradable, while metal is more durable and is recyclable. Bring them around everywhere and leave one in your apartment home for daily use.
Reusable Water Bottles
Plastic bottled water can be found almost anywhere. It's so easy, then, to simply buy a bottle for yourself when you get thirsty and then toss them in the trash when you're done. But these plastic bottles don't just disappear. Only a small percentage actually gets recycled.
Good thing there's a more sustainable option out there. Reusable water bottles will make you less dependent on plastic bottled water. Once you get used to refilling it and bringing it around with you, you can cut down on plastic bottle use completely.
These items will help you kickstart your zero-waste journey. They may be a small change, but they will snowball eventually.
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